For Young People


  • Enable young people’s emotional wellbeing and resilience by offering different recreational services and activities including youth clubs and school holiday activity programmes. We will also offer opportunities for personal skill development by running schemes such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award and the Youth Achievement Award. We will be able to support young people with their physical, emotional, and mental health by engaging them in activities at the centre and by offering one to one mentoring support where we can run bespoke support sessions for them.
  • We will work in partnership with a variety of youth, community, and health agencies both from the statutory sector and voluntary sector which operate both locally and nationally.
  • We are focussed on the fact that our two biggest partners are 1 our young people and 2 the local community and their needs and wants are our priority.
  • We will provide emotional, relationship and sexual health support, training, keeping safe and when needed seek additional help for those at significant risk of harm.
  • Encourage young people to be part of our service delivery here by volunteering and helping out here at the centre.

Learn More About Our Objectives And Aims For The Wider Community