The Gym

The membership to the gym is open to anyone over 12 years old both young people and adults. New members need to book in for an induction.

Adults can use the gym Mon to Friday 8am – 3pm during term time.

16 – 18 year olds need to book their sessions.

Under 16’s can use the gym from 3.15pm – 6.30pm Monday to Friday term time.

Anyone can book into to use the gym Saturday mornings 8am – 12pm.

Times will be subject to change during school holidays and any user wishing to use the gym will need to phone and enquire about opening and availability times.

The gym costs are:

Under 16: Induction and annual membership fee £3.00. Session costs £1.50

Over 16: Induction and annual membership cost £5.00. Session cost £2.50

We also run non-contact boxing sessions for young people for which we are supported by EMPIRE FIGHTING CHANCE

Please contact us for more details about boxing