Our Objectives And Aims

Our objectives and aims are:

  • To provide a service that addresses and meets community needs young people, their families, and the wider community from the local and surrounding area.
  • To educate young people on issues of life, personal, social, emotional, and mental development by providing activities that are fun, informative and inspiring.
  • To provide a space where young people can come to which is a safe location that promotes their safety, wellbeing, and participation in their local community.
  • To develop the use of the centre such that it is used to its maximum potential.
  • We are affiliated to UK Youth, the National Youth Agency and Dorset Youth Association adhering to practice standards and guidance laid out by them. Our Safeguarding practice is informed by following guidance set out by the Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Team and by the NSPCC.
  • As a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation, we have to maintain our charity status by adhering to practices and procedures laid out by the Charities Commission and which are reviewed at Trustees meetings.
  • We aim to be flexible in our approach and review risk assessments, policies, and action plans on a regular basis.
  • With COVID now part of all our lives we are constantly monitoring guidance and updates and adjusting working practices accordingly which may include reduction of numbers participating in activities, social distancing, face mask wearing, more detached and on-line work.
  • We will publicise our sessions on Facebook (SYCC), Instagram (SYCC16), and our website.

Learn More About Our Objectives And Aims For Young People